Successful text ads using AdConnector with Google Ads. Run text ads in just three minutes!
Targeted, compelling text ads are essential to a high performing SEA. They are often the first point of contact a potential customer has with your brand. People are increasingly using the web as the primary point of contact for solving their problems and challenges – both privately and professionally. Because they can be aligned to specific keywords and other industry, company and context-specific wording, Google text ads offer a very effective way of making those looking for help aware of your own services. In this article, you can read exactly what Google Text Ads are, what specific advantages they can bring you and how AdConnector helps you to run such ads as efficiently as possible.
What are Google Text Ads?
Along with Google Display Ads and Google Shopping Ads, text ads are one of the central components of Google Ads. By placing such ads, you can give the ranking and thus the conversion rate of your website an enormous push. Each shape has its own specific characteristics. As the name suggests, text ads only use written language to attract attention. Corresponding ads are displayed above and below the organic search results. They consist of a title, the respective URL and a description. AdConnector takes care of all the settings that are required for switching such a display!
Why should you use text ads?
With Google Ads text ads, you can address (potential) customers in a very nuanced way. The written language is still the main medium for seekers in all categories. Accordingly, advertisements based on them are of course to be classified as extremely effective. The skillful alignment gives you the chance to optimize your pages even further for the increasingly relevant voice search. In any case, you can reach prospects and existing customers with such ads exactly when you need your products or services most urgently. The entire process of running a Google Text ad is best left in the hands of AdConnector with confidence.
The software takes over all the necessary steps fully automatically, which you would otherwise have to do manually in painstaking detail! First of all, the concrete goals of the advertisement must be determined. Text Ads help you in a variety of ways to ultimately increase your sales: Would you like more page views, an increasing number of visitors to your local store or more contacts? Then you determine your range. The fundamental question is: Do you want to rank globally or locally? AdConnector always ensures that your target group is optimally reached.
The creation of the advertising message is at the heart of all Google text ads. Here you get the opportunity to inspire your (potential) customers and thus convince them of your services. What is special about your company or a certain product / service? How can you help those seeking solutions to cope with their challenges? These and other questions lead to perfect results – more traffic, more conversions and more sales.
Ultimately, of course, money also plays an important role. Setting a budget limit, adjusting or pausing campaigns accordingly, and evaluating the corresponding figures: all of these are essential factors for maximum economic ad marketing. With the help of AdConnector, you can also consider those with little effort.
What advantages AdConnector offers for your Google text ads
With AdConnector you get the chance to create and run highly effective text ads in less than three minutes! By using the software, you never have to struggle through Google’s complex backend structures again, only to ultimately fail to find what you are looking for or not get a satisfactory result. In addition, there are no extensive tutorials to complete to use AdConnector! The software is practically self-explanatory and leads you to success in just a few steps. This not only benefits self-users, such as service providers or online retailers – agencies that manage a large number of websites and corresponding ad campaigns can also perfect their way of working!