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Every click on the internet is valuable. But what if these clicks are not genuine, but are generated by competitors, bots or malware? These fake and maliciously generated clicks burn up valuable advertising budget and distort campaign statistics. Here comes Click Trust into play – the protective shield against click fraud!

No chance for click fraud

In digital marketing, click fraud must be taken seriously. Not every click on your ad is genuine. Competitors may try to reduce the budget by artificially generating clicks. Specially programmed software, known as bots, are also capable of generating large numbers of clicks, with the same effect. The result: your advertising budget is used up without real customers being acquired.

Click Trust – Your upgrade for more efficiency

AdConnector’s innovative upgrade tool offers comprehensive protection and maximizes the return on your online advertising: IP addresses that are known to generate malicious or fake clicks are automatically blocked. Clicks from competitors and malware are detected and prevented and artificially generated clicks are effectively blocked. With significantly reduced click fraud, your budget is once again fully available for real, interested users. Your Campaigns are significantly more effective. Click Trust also provides valuable insights into where your real prospects come from. This enables you to manage marketing campaigns even better and in a more targeted manner.

With Click Trust, AdConnector gives you the perfect solution: click fraud is prevented, the return on investment is maximized and the integrity of your campaigns is increased. Click Trust – so that every click pays off!

Log in to your AdConnector customer account now and secure Click Trust with the voucher code “Trust50” 6 months at half price. *

* This voucher is valid until revoked. We reserve the right to change or end the offer at any time.