The interior fit-out service provider offers modern room concepts, office planning and acoustic optimisation of workstations.

We are happy to be part of this success story!

The interior fit-out service provider offers modern room concepts, office planning and acoustic optimisation of workstations.

We are happy to be part of this success story!



The challenge

Strengthening online presence and reaching new customers

ProRoomz, a leading provider of flexible workspace solutions, was challenged to increase its brand awareness and generate more qualified leads. The market for workspace solutions is highly competitive, and traditional marketing methods are not delivering the desired results. ProRoomz needed an innovative strategy to better reach its target audience and increase its online visibility.

google ads conversion tracking
google ads technology



The solution

Targeted online advertising strategies with AdConnector
ProRoomz decided to use AdConnector to optimise its digital marketing strategy. AdConnector developed a comprehensive marketing strategy utilising various digital channels and advertising methods to increase brand awareness and achieve the desired results.

  1. Targeted ad placement: To achieve maximum visibility, we placed customised ads on platforms such as Google Ads, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
  2. Retargeting campaigns: Retargeting techniques were used to ensure that visitors who had already shown interest were retargeted.
  3. Continuous monitoring and optimization: Campaigns are monitored and adjusted on an ongoing basis based on real-time results to ensure the best performance.



The results

Significant increase in brand awareness and number of qualified leads
Thanks to AdConnector’s targeted measures and effective strategy, ProRoomz was able to achieve remarkable success:

  • 70% increase in brand awareness: The expanded marketing measures significantly increased the understanding of the ProRoomz brand.

  • 50% more qualified leads: Thanks to the targeted campaigns, the number of qualified enquiries increased considerably.

  • 60% increase in website visits: The number of visitors to the ProRoomz website increased significantly, further boosting service demand.

  • Improved ROI: Optimised budget usage led to a significantly higher return on investment (ROI).

Working with AdConnector enabled ProRoomz to improve its digital advertising strategy significantly, increase brand awareness, and attract new customers. The targeted approach and continuous optimisation led to outstanding results and helped ProRoomz stand out in a competitive market.

google ads conversion tracking



Die Herausforderung

Firmen-KFZ nutzt bereits seit mehreren Jahren Google Ads für die Neukundengewinnung im Zielmarkt Deutschland.

Die bisherigen Kosten pro Neukunde beliefen sich auf 120,00 €, die Margen bei dieser Kostenstruktur sind gering, da der Weiterverkauf von Leads nicht viel Spielraum für einen besseren ROAS zuließ.

Es wurde versucht durch Google Ads Agenturen und auch mit Inhouse Google Ads Spezialisten die Kosten pro Neukunde zu senken, um eine höhere Rentabilität zu erreichen.

google ads technology



Die Lösung

Unter Einsatz von AdConnector und dem gleichen monatlichen Budget wurden anhand der gecrawlten Daten relevantere Zielgruppen und Ausrichtungen ausfindig gemacht.

Bestehende Kampagnen wurden vollständig pausiert. Neue dynamische Kampagnen mit einer besseren Kundenansprache wurden automatisiert aufgesetzt, ohne Aufwand für die Erstellung und das Management von Anzeigen.

Mehr Reichweite und ein feinjustiertes Remarketing haben zudem die Marktpenetration unterstützt und die Klickrate verbessert.

Die datengetriebene Automatisierung war der Schlüssel zum Erfolg.



Die Ergebnisse

AdConnector wurde im Dezember 2019 aktiviert. Innerhalb weniger Tage konnten wichtige Kennzahlen positiv verändert werden.

  • 20 € anstatt 120 € Kosten pro Neukunde
  • 868 % mehr Neukunden pro Monat
  • 586 % mehr zielgruppenspezifische Klicks pro Monat
  • 6,15 Mio. mehr relevante Reichweite pro Monat

Dank der Automatisierung der Prozesse im Vergleich zu den manuell erstellten Ads konnte die Anzeigenqualität für Firmen-KFZ gesteigert und Arbeitsstunden eingespart werden.

Thomas HerterManaging Partner

“Our collaboration with AdConnector was a complete success. Thanks to the targeted online advertising strategies, we have increased our brand awareness by 70% and significantly increased our website visits. The number of qualified leads has increased by 50%, which has enabled us to acquire many new customers. The continuous optimisation and clear targeting of the campaigns have exceeded our expectations. We fully recommend AdConnector to any business looking to improve its digital presence and marketing performance!”



AI-generated &
Data-driven Ads
and Posts!

AI-generated & Data-driven Ads and Posts!

No manual effort.

No manual effort.