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Automatically create Google Ads with AdConnector and consider Ad Strength indicators.

Google has been promoting the analysis of user behavior with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) for several years. AI has now also arrived at Google Ads. The so-called Responsive Search Ads automatically test different display variants and determine which combinations bring the best results for the advertiser at what time.

Until recently, it was not possible to measure the performance of these intelligent ads. However, that has changed with the introduction of the Ad Strength indicators. What the latter will bring you, how AdConnector helps you to use them and a lot more useful information, read in this article.

How does the AI ​​show up in the updated Google Ads?

With the start of Responsive Search Ads, in German “responsive search ads”, Google expanded the advertising options in July 2018 with an innovative tool. These ads take advantage of machine learning and thereby deliver optimized results. The aim is to make ad marketing processes simpler and, at the same time, to enable greater chances of success.

With the start of Responsive Search Ads, in German “responsive search ads”, Google expanded the advertising options in July 2018 with an innovative tool. These ads take advantage of machine learning and thereby deliver optimized results. The aim is to make ad marketing processes simpler and, at the same time, to enable greater chances of success.

The Google algorithm then combines the individual components of the responsive ad completely automatically and gradually coordinates in which contexts certain patterns work and in which they do not. As a result, the display content can be output more and more effectively focused on certain user behavior over time.

Unfortunately, until recently there was no tangible information about the actual effect of such ads. With the strength indicators, Google now offers the right solution.

What are Ad Strength Indicators?

Ad Strength evaluates the relevance, diversity and quantity of responsive search ads. So you can continuously optimize the latter and help Google to output even more effective combinations. The rating is graded from “Poor”, for a less than beneficial implementation, to “Excellent”, for potentially best results. Corresponding suggestions for improvement are conveniently provided immediately.

In order to achieve the best results, Google generally recommends adding as many ad headlines and suitable descriptions as possible. Ad Strength even shows you the different combinations so that you can create headings and texts that are universally compatible with one another. Since the AdConnector software does practically all of the work for you, the optimization of your ads is of course made even easier.

How AdConnector can help you to use ads and strength indicators efficiently?

The AdConnector software is compatible with all common CMS, shop and WWS systems. You will receive a dashboard through which you can control and read out all advertising marketing processes. Target groups include agencies that have to monitor a large number of activities, online retailers who want to boost their sales through more efficient structures, or service providers who are looking for a way to win new customers cost-effectively.

In the dashboard you will find various options for the automated generation of Google Ad campaigns. The combination of the AdConnector software with Google Responsive Search Ads offers you the chance to achieve additional optimized results and increase your conversions in no time at all. The strength indicators are fully taken into account. The display switching usually does not take longer than three minutes! The software takes over practically all settings for you.

The scope of functions also includes numerous analysis and reporting functions. You can use it to easily call up key figures from various channels. Of course, the strength indicators are also calculated here! With the help of a comparison and graphic processing, you can draw conclusions for the optimization or expansion of your efforts.