Opticians from Berlin with a team of dedicated and well-trained opticians. High-quality thanks to our eyewear workshop and personalised advice.

We are happy to be part of this success story!

Opticians from Berlin with a team of dedicated and well-trained opticians. High-quality thanks to our eyewear workshop and personalised advice.

We are happy to be part of this success story!



The challenge

Increasing local visibility and boosting the number of shop visits

Blickfang Berlin, a reputable optician in the south of Berlin, was challenged to reach its local customers more effectively and increase shop visits. Despite offering a wide range of high-quality eyewear and ophthalmological services, footfall fell short of expectations. Traditional advertising measures were not achieving the desired results, so a more targeted local advertising strategy was required.



The solution

Targeted local advertising strategies with AdConnector
Blickfang Berlin decided to work with AdConnector to optimise its digital marketing strategy and target local advertising more effectively. AdConnector developed a customised marketing strategy to increase local awareness and bring more customers into the shop.

  1. Geolocalised ad placement: Tailored ads were placed on platforms like Google, Facebook and Instagram to target the local population.

  2. Location-based advertising: People in and around Berlin were targeted by location-based advertising techniques.

  3. Continuous monitoring and optimisation: Ongoing monitoring and optimisation of the campaigns ensured the best possible performance.



The results

Significant increase in shop visits and efficient local advertising playout
AdConnector’s targeted measures led to impressive results for Blickfang Berlin:

  • 80% increase in shop visits: targeted local advertising and location-based campaigns significantly increased the number of visitors to the shop.
  • Increased local reach: Strategic ad placement significantly improved brand awareness in the Berlin region.
  • Efficient budget utilisation: The precise targeting and continuous optimisation of advertising measures ensured more efficient use of the marketing budget and improved ROI.
  • Expanded brand awareness: Blickfang Berlin significantly increased its presence in the local market and reached a larger number of potential customers.

By working with AdConnector, Blickfang Berlin was able to effectively improve its local advertising strategy, bringing more customers into the shop. The precise targeting and continuous optimisation helped to achieve outstanding results and strengthened Blickfang Berlin’s position in a highly competitive market.



Die Herausforderung

Firmen-KFZ nutzt bereits seit mehreren Jahren Google Ads für die Neukundengewinnung im Zielmarkt Deutschland.

Die bisherigen Kosten pro Neukunde beliefen sich auf 120,00 €, die Margen bei dieser Kostenstruktur sind gering, da der Weiterverkauf von Leads nicht viel Spielraum für einen besseren ROAS zuließ.

Es wurde versucht durch Google Ads Agenturen und auch mit Inhouse Google Ads Spezialisten die Kosten pro Neukunde zu senken, um eine höhere Rentabilität zu erreichen.



Die Lösung

Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit AdConnector konnte Blickfang Berlin seine lokale Werbestrategie effektiv verbessern und dadurch mehr Kunden in den Laden bringen. Die präzise Zielgruppenansprache und kontinuierliche Optimierung verhalfen zu überragenden Ergebnissen und stärkten die Position von Blickfang Berlin in einem wettbewerbsintensiven Markt.



Die Ergebnisse

AdConnector wurde im Dezember 2019 aktiviert. Innerhalb weniger Tage konnten wichtige Kennzahlen positiv verändert werden.

  • 20 € anstatt 120 € Kosten pro Neukunde
  • 868 % mehr Neukunden pro Monat
  • 586 % mehr zielgruppenspezifische Klicks pro Monat
  • 6,15 Mio. mehr relevante Reichweite pro Monat

Dank der Automatisierung der Prozesse im Vergleich zu den manuell erstellten Ads konnte die Anzeigenqualität für Firmen-KFZ gesteigert und Arbeitsstunden eingespart werden.

Andre SchlaakProkurist

“The collaboration with AdConnector has noticeably revitalised our business. Thanks to their targeted local advertising strategies, we increased our shop visits by 80%. The strategically placed and location-based advertising has significantly improved our local awareness and helped us to target potential customers more efficiently. The continuous monitoring and optimisation of the campaigns have ensured that we have made the best use of our marketing budget. We are delighted with the results achieved.”



AI-generated &
Data-driven Ads
and Posts!

AI-generated & Data-driven Ads and Posts!

No manual effort.

No manual effort.